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What Are Metaclasses In Python And How Differ From Regular Classes?

What Are Metaclasses In Python And How Differ From Regular Classes?

Shivani Singh59 08-Oct-2024

In Python, there is a basic syntactic construct called classes as the key concept of object-oriented programming (OOP). However, apart from object instantiation with classes, Python provides an even more sophisticated feature called metaclasses. While regular classes determine the structure and behavior as to how objects are to be created, metaclasses permit developers to decide how these classes themselves are to be created. This subtle but significant difference provides metaclasses with certain advantages in those situations when extraordinary or beyond standard paradigm performances are expected.

In this article, you will understand what metaclasses are, how they work, and what the difference is between them and common classes in Python.

1. Covers of Types of Regular Classes in Python

But wait, let’s make it clear first of all what sort of classes regular classes in Python do. In OOP, classes serve as templates for generating objects or instances of them; similarly, in version control, templates are seen as blueprints for creating objects or instances. These classes contain variables (data) that belong to the objects and functions (methods) that every object of the class uses. Python classes typically define:

  • Attributes: Individual characteristics linked with a class.
  • Methods: The activity that dictates what the class instances should do.
  • For example, in ordinary courses, developers have the ability to reduce risk, deal with subtyping, and define how objects should be constructed in a behavioral mode.
What Are Metaclasses In Python And How Differ From Regular Classes?

2. Introduction to Metaclasses

A metaclass, as this term suggests, is a class of a class. Translating this to everyday language and understanding it as: whereas classes generate objects, metaclasses generate classes. They offer the procedures to change or even redesign the ways classes execute by redefining the essence of creation and instantiation of classes.

Metaclasses make it possible with Python to add different kinds of behavior during the creation of a class. In different phrases, a metaclass prescribes the structure of a class in exactly the equal manner that a category prescribes the structure of gadgets.

As mentioned in advance, the idea of metaclasses nevertheless contains some of misconceptions; metaclasses are items that are usually used to describe other classes.That is why we are able to intercept the creation of classes and changes at a higher level in the case of metaclasses.

3. A Quick Overview of Metaclasses to Unlearn Them from Normal Classes

While both metaclasses and regular classes are critical in Python, their functionality differs greatly:

  • Purpose: The metaclasses are used to define classes’ structure and behavior; the classes define the objects’ structure and behavior.
  • Creation: While regular classes are the creations of objects, metaclasses are used when creating our classes. This means that the developer is able to modify how a class is created.
  • Usage: The metaclass allows managing instances’s attributes and methods, while attributes and methods of the class itself are also managed.

For instance, in sophisticated frameworks or libraries, metaclasses can be used to impose a given architecture, check attributes, or produce one or several new types of classes based on given classes.

To get a better understanding of more advanced Python issues, such as metaclasses, it is good to turn to articles that describe the creation of classes and objects in Python.

What Are Metaclasses In Python And How Differ From Regular Classes?

4. How Metaclasses Function in Python

There are a few steps that Python has when it comes to creating a class. A metaclass is in charge of creating classes by adding different methods such as __new__() and __init__().

  • __new__(): This method in a metaclass watches the point of creation of a new class. That is where one can influence the manner in which the class is developed.
  • __init__(): Once a class has been created, the metaclass __init__ method can change the class or lock it.

For example, in a metaclass, one can add new methods, change existing class functions, or even check on whether or not some requirements have been met before the class gets created.

The use of metaclasses provides developers the abilities to control, mainly extend or limit, the behavior of classes without the need to code each and every single class. For instance, metaclasses are appropriate in situations where certain structures have to be implemented across classes.

5. Practical Uses of Metaclasses

Metaclasses might seem abstract or unnecessary for simple applications, but they serve critical functions in complex systems:

  • Enforcing Constraints: This can make special requirements on class creation where the actual class created from a base class has to conform to a pre-specified form.
  • Dynamic Class Creation: Based on the noted transition from static to open structures of classes, metaclasses provide a tool for changing the system of classes during the different stages of its functioning.
  • Design Patterns: Service classes can also be created by specific design patterns, where one of them is Singleton, which can be checked and controlled by a metaclass during the object’s instantiation.

These capabilities make metaclasses especially useful in the frameworks and libraries that require both flexibility and structure.

For instance, Python’s ABCMeta, which compels usage of abstract base classes, is a famous metaclass. Metaclasses, which are an important and somewhat unique aspect of Python’s type system, enable much of this.

6. Class Hierarchy and Heirarchy in Some Common Frameworks

Many advanced Python frameworks and libraries utilize metaclasses to provide advanced functionality:

  • Django ORM: In Django, one’s ORM system is based upon metaclasses to specify the model classes and their possible characteristics at the runtime. This allows developers to use databases in a Python class format without the need to write individual SQL statements.
  • SQLAlchemy: As previously shown, SQLAlchemy’s declarative paradigm also relies on metaclasses so that dynamic tables and inter-object references can be created regarding database ones.

Frameworks such as these utilize metaclasses in order to minimize the amount of boilerplate code but still allow for significant amounts of extensibility and further customization.

What Are Metaclasses In Python And How Differ From Regular Classes?

7. When to Use Metaclasses?

While metaclasses offer significant power, they should be used cautiously.

  • Complexity: To increase complexity Metaclasses are used, which can be difficult to understand, particularly to developers who have not come across the concept.
  • Specific Use Cases: They are most helpful whenever you have to manage class creation and alteration using program code. Nonetheless, for such easier tasks, continuing with section lectures or regular classes is relatively advisable.

To sum up, metaclasses are not needed for routine programming; however, in some sophisticated cases, they are apparently inestimable. They permit the developer to dictate how classes will behave and hence are very handy in large systems and library-like operations where adjustability of class behavior is essential.


While being somewhat obscure, metaclasses in Python offer a super-level tool for shaping class characteristics. Where normal classes determine how those objects, which are instances of a particular class or constructed from it, behave, metaclasses determine how classes themselves behave. It is because of this distinction that very precise, strong means of abstraction and control, especially in dynamic or complicated environments, may be employed.

For those involved in creating Python applications where you need to have more flexibility and control when defining a class, what metaclasses offer can be mind-blowing. Nevertheless, MM should not be used frivolously because of the complexity of this technique, and only in some cases.

Updated 08-Oct-2024
Being a professional college student, I am Shivani Singh, student of JUET to improve my competencies . A strong interest of me is content writing , for which I participate in classes as well as other activities outside the classroom. I have been able to engage in several tasks, essays, assignments and cases that have helped me in honing my analytical and reasoning skills. From clubs, organizations or teams, I have improved my ability to work in teams, exhibit leadership.

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